Alexander Trocchi
Alexander Trocchi was born in Glasgow in 1925, the son of a Scottish mother and an Italian father. After one year of studying at Glasgow University, he was called up for war service in 1943, and joined the Royal Navy. He returned to complete his degree three years later. Afterwards he travelled in Europe, and settled down in Paris, where he edited Merlin, an avant-garde literary journal. He also started his writing career, producing work for the controversial publisher Olympia Press, including the first version of Young Adam in 1954. His lifelong drug habit began in this period. He then moved to the US, settling first in New York City, where he worked on a scow on the Hudson River, then in California, where the Beat community had relocated. It was during this time that he wrote possibly his most famous novel, Cain’s Book (1961). He moved to London in the 1960s, where he more or less ceased his writing activities and remained until his death in 1984.
Published by Partizanska knjiga: Mladi Adam.