Bernardo Atxaga
Photo credit: Xabier Idoate
Bernardo Atxaga (Asteasu, Basque Country, 1951) is considered to be a top representative of Basque prose. His first short-story collection Obabakoak (1988), more precisely, a hybrid form between a novel and a short-story collection, was awarded the National Prose Prize in 1989; a film was soon made based on the motifs of several stories (Obaba, 2005), directed by Montxo Armendariz. Then followed the novels Gizona bere bakardadean (The Lone Man) (1994), the National Basque Prose Critics’ Award; Soinujolearen semea (The Accordionist’s Son) (2003), The Critics’ Award in 2003, the Italian Grincane Kavur prize in 2008, based on which the director Fernando Bernués made a film with the same title and a theatre play; Zazpi etxe Frantzian (Seven Houses in France), the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize finalist in 2012, Oxford Weidenfeld translation prize finalist in 2012; Nevadako Egunak (Nevada Days) (2014), Euskadi Prize; the latest novel Etxeak eta hilobiak (Houses and Tombs) was published in 2020. In 2017 he won the International Liber Press Prize for Literature, and in 2019 the National Prize for Spanish Literature. He also writes poetry, dramas, essays and short stories. In 2003, he won the Cesare Pavese prize for poetry. His works have been translated into thirty-two languages. He is member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language.
Published by Partizanska knjiga: Dani u Nevadi.