Fatos Lubonja
Writer, journalist, artist, chief editor of the quarterly review Përpjekja (Endeavour), – an endeavour to introduce the critical spirit in the Albanian culture. Born in 1951. In 1974, finished his studies for physics. In the same year was imprisoned after police found his hiden writings. In 1979, was sentenced to a further 16 years. Was released from prison in 1991 after 17 years. Author of several books, numerous articles and essays and stories published in Albania and abroad. He has been awarded numerous prizes, including Premio Alberto Moravia: for the international literature, “Fondo Moravia” Roma, Italy (2002), Herder Price for literature, Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. Hamburg (2004), Prince Clause award for Literature and journalism, Prince Clause Foundation, The Netherland (2015).
Published by Partizanska knjiga: Ponovo osuđen.