Guy Helminger
Guy Helminger was born in 1963 in the Luxembourg town of Esch-sur-Alzette, and has lived in Cologne since 1985. He writes poems, novels, radio dramas, theater plays. For his work, he has received several literary awards such as the Servais Prize, the 3sat Literary Award, the Dresden Lyric Award, the Meran Lyric Award and the Gustav Regler Award.
Some of the titles: Die schwere Naht der Flüsse. Aufzeichnungen und Fotos aus Brasilien (Heavy Night of the Rivers, records and photos from Brazil), 2022; Lärm (Noise), novel 2021; Die Lombardi-Affäre (The Lombardi Affair), novel, 2020; Die Lehmbauten des Lichts (Clay Buildings of Light), Records and Photos from Yemen, 2019; Jockey, theater piece, 2019; Die Tagebücher der Tannen (Fir Diaries), poems, 2018.
Published by Partizanska knjiga: Rđa.