Ivana Elezović Babić

Ivana Elezović Babić

Ivana Babić (née Elezović) (1982) is a translator and author from Belgrade. She graduated in Chinese language and literature from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade and completed her master’s studies in Cultural Policy and Management in Culture at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Currently, she is a doctoral student in literature at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. She has published translations of novels, short stories, and poetry for various publishing houses, as well as her own poetry and stories in magazines and anthologies. She is a member of the Association of Literary Translators of Serbia, the Association of Permanent Court Interpreters of Serbia, and the European Language Industry Association (ELIA). Translations: Žena jednog kasapina.

Tereza Bojković

Tereza Bojković

Tereza Bojković was born in 1984 in Belgrade. She graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature, University of Belgrade, in 2008. She was a journalist for Politika for several years. In 2015, she defended her master’s thesis in experimental English phonetics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. She has translated dozens of scientific works and two monographs in the field of art history into English. He loves “eureka” moments in etymology and dictionaries. Translations: Postmoderni mornar.

Mila Gavrilović

Mila Gavrilović

Mila Gavrilović (1980) graduated from the Department of Polish Studies at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. She translates prose, poetry, non-fiction and drama from Polish and English into Serbian. She received the Miloš N. Đurić award for best translation in the field of poetry in 2019. In addition to literature, she is an active professional translator and interpreter. She is a member of the Association of Literary Translators of Serbia and the Rozstaje translation hub. Translations: Rusvaj.

Jelena Dedeić

Jelena Dedeić

Jelena Dedeić was born in 1975 in Belgrade. She graduated in Serbian Language and Literature with General Linguistics from the Faculty of Philology. She works as a translator for the Slovenian language. For Partizanska knjiga, she translated Ana Schnabl’s books Odvezani, Majstorija, Plima, and Tomaž Kosmač’s short-story collection Punk Is Dead. In 2022, she published her debut novel, #evonaprimerja. Translations: Odvezani, Punk is dead, Majstorija, Plima.

Dragoslav Dedović

Dragoslav Dedović

Dragoslav Dedović was born in 1963 in Zemun, grew up in Bosnia, graduated in journalism in Sarajevo, and received his master’s degree in interdisciplinary European studies in Aachen. He has published ten books of poetry, including Zemlja pod abažurom (The Land Under the Lampshade), Unutrašnji istok (Inner East), Dinarski Buda (Dinaric Buddha), Cafe Sumatra, Kawasaki for Wukman Dedowitsch. His literary texts have been translated into several languages. He is represented in several anthologies of Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and world poetry. Among others, he has translated from German the poetry of Heiner Müller and Jörg Fauser, the prose of Heinrich Boell, Herta Müller, Saša Stanišić, and Melinda Nadj Abonji. Translations: Sabrano ćutanje doktora Murkea, Rđa.

Biljana Isailović

Biljana Isailović

Biljana Isailović is a Hispanist by training. She’s translated numerous works by Spanish authors: Ortega y Gasset, Unamuno, Baroja, Bécquer, Azorín, Borges, Blasco Ibáñez, Marsé, etc. She’s also translated the Spanish chivalric romance Amadis of Gaul, which has been declared to be the best European chivalric romance by a hundred Mediaevalists at a congress in Salamanca. It was this work that directly influenced the creation of Don Quixote by Cervantes, with the intention of denying the model, to turn it inside out like a glove, still admitting its superiority, which makes it a roman à clef necessary for a complete understanding of Don Quixote. She’s received the most prestigious awards: Miloš N. Đurić in 2001 for the translation of Manuel de Falla’s work On Music and Musicians and Radoje Tatić for the novel Doña Perfecta by Benito Pérez Galdós, declared to be the best translation from Spanish and Portuguese in 2006 and 2007. She’s also translated stories by Serbian writers into Spanish, which have been published in the magazine Sibila, whose member of the editorial board is Mario Vargas Llosa. She did research on Spanish university publishing as a scholarship holder from the Spanish government in 2001; apart from literature she translates films, being an associate of the Yugoslav Film Archive. For her constant co-operation in the promotion of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture she was awarded a Diploma of Gratitude by the Cervantes Institute in 2014. A freelance artist, she lives, enjoys herself, translates and paints in Belgrade. Translations: Retorno 201, Dani u Nevadi.