Pascal Janovjak

Photo: Guy Buchheit

Pascal Janovjak is a Franco-Swiss writer born in Basel in 1975 to a French mother and a Slovak father. Before going to Jordan and later to Lebanon, where he taught French at the University of Tripoli, he studied literature and art history in Strasbourg. From 2002 to 2005, he headed the French Alliance in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He then settled in Palestinian Ramallah, where he taught literature. In 2011, his path led him to Italy, where, after winning a scholarship for a writer’s residency at the Swiss Institute in Rome, he lives to this day. His work has been translated into multiple languages. His book Le Zoo de Rome (published by Actes Sud in 2019) was awarded the Swiss literary prize, the Michel-Dentan Prize, and the RTS audience award.

Published by Partizanska knjiga: Rimski zoološki vrt.

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